Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Teen Poetry Happens - Feeling Grateful

Teen Poetry Happens met on November 15 and was in a grateful mindset.  Here are their creative works!

“Grateful” by Courtney Gant

I’m grateful for expression – the art of getting it from the brain to the page.

I’m grateful for the way the air smells in the fall of the year, the falling of the leaves, the chill of the air.

I’m grateful for warm socks, flannel shirts, and the way a cup of tea makes you feel.

I’m grateful for relatable music, art, and successful expression.

I’m grateful for free speech, for the ability to come together with others, for choker necklaces, and for good vibe places.

I’m grateful for chaos when my world is dull, and for silence when my world is loud.

“Light” by Noah Nowell

I’ve seen light in your eyes

Symbolizing the hope in the moment of victory

I am thankful for the light

“Teddy Chubbs” by Chayton Chumley

I am grateful for my dog. He literally is the best thing to have happened to me, ever. We got him when I was nine and he’s been the best dog since.

Once, when I was thirteen, a pitbull escaped my neighbor’s yard. My tiny, eight pound Teddy Chubbs protected my six year old sister. He almost died and now has PTSD. But, thankfully for me and my family, he is still alive.

“Grateful” by Gracie Norton

Gerard Way

Rad Music

Andy Biersack

The Walking Dead

Eat all the Food

Fall Out Boy

Understanding People


“Grateful for Love” by Nolan Ritchie

Love reveals itself in multiple ways

In the potter toward his clay

In a friend who is with you to the end

In a dog’s tail

when even as an owner you fail

In your family’s care

In God, who is love

and knows every hair

It is important to forever remember

you are loved and you are not alone.

“Grateful Julia” by Julia Webb



Any kind of art

The will to wake up in the morning

Evening Sky

Full Bookshelves

Unique Sweaters

Long walks

“Song” by Janah Bucknum



Newly blooming


“Janah’s Observation” by Janah Bucknum

Inspiration is

Motivational to the

More Artistic minds

“Grateful Janah” by Janah Bucknum

Little brothers always

Listen to

Annoyingly catchy songs

Cats wait for me

To swing the light

Prism, chasing the rainbows

Plants all over the window

Candles on the sill

Wearing silly costumes,

‘cause if I don’t, who will?

 “Thankful Margee” by Margee Dunbar

I am constantly thankful for the freedom to express my vocabulary and inspiration in the form of poetry and books.  And, of course, read other amazing art, which is quickly accepted as good.  I am also thankful for my family and friends, now to write the poem. This was my inspiration.

thankfulness is good

it lets us get through our day

without want for more

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